Have you seen the recent viral videos about natural hair, and how it doesn't grow?
We're here to bust that myth and share the truth about maintaining growth with curls!
First things first- everyone's hair grows, but are you retaining this length? and how do you evaluate progress?
Breakage and damage can cause longer hair to feel like a fantasy. You might also have trouble taking notice if your hair is growing outward, or you have shrinkage.
The #1 reason that you're not seeing length in your locks is a lack of moisture. Dryness can lead to struggles with detangling and excess shedding.
Another common culprit for this misconception is not knowing what products work for your hair. We've designed intentional collections that target major hair issues and help you reach your goals.
If you've addressed these aspects of your curl journey and still aren't seeing growth, you might be facing some nutritional deficiencies. Evaluate and consult with your doctor to find a supplement or dietary change that will work best for you.
Our Biotin Collection has been proven to stimulate the growth and thickening of hair follicles!
So, let's debunk this myth once and for all: black hair does grow, and with the right care and products, you can achieve the length and health you've been dreaming of.
Ready to embark on your journey to flourishing curls? Discover the transformative power of our Biotin Collection today.